Fly Mizar

Atazar, Patones and Torrelaguna

We take off from Robledillo aerodrome and after avoiding "Las Lagunas", we take a 290º course that will take us directly through the first section of this route We leave the town of Matarrubia on our left - point W (Whisky) that will serve as a reference on the return -, and Puebla de Vallés on our right. A few minutes of flight we reach Alpedrete de la Sierra , a district of just over 40 inhabitants, integrated into the municipality of Valdepeñas de la Sierra. After flying over an extensive pine forest that greets us with its unmistakable aroma, we catch a glimpse of the magnificent retaining wall between the mountains that forms the El Atazar Reservoir dam . We will fly around its surroundings, visiting its shores and the sports pier, to continue to Cervera de Buitrago , a privileged place for rural tourism. We turn south and crossing the waters, we head through a mountainous system of great beauty and natural resources to Torrelaguna , a town that with its more than 5,000 inhabitants, is the most important of those we will visit. We start our return to the aerodrome, deviating slightly from the route to see Patones de Arriba . You will understand why in the Spanish War of Independence, it was the only town that the French did not find. We return to Robledillo passing through the Uceda plains, which will allow you to enjoy another of the typical landscapes of the area.

Trip Requirements:

Being of legal age or, failing that, written authorization of the legal guardian.
